Ways To Help Your Teen Break A Drug Addiction

Drugs are a big problem for teens today, and this is partly because they are readily available for kids. If your teen has a drug problem, your number one goal is probably to help the teen break this problem so he or she can grow up living a successful, good life. If this is the case, getting treatment for the problem as soon as you find out about it is the best thing you can do. Here are tips to help you take the right steps to help your teen break this habit.

Go to the doctor

A good first step to take is bringing the teen to a regular medical doctor. A doctor can run tests on the child's blood and urine to determine exactly what is in the teen's system. This is a good place to start, because it will help you understand how severe the problem really is. While your teen may admit to taking some drugs, a drug test like this will reveal the truth about what drugs the child is using and it may help you understand how severe the addiction really is.

Get the child in a substance abuse program or counselling program

Your teen might not want to admit that the problem is as bad as what it really is, and he or she may fight you when you suggest a substance abuse treatment program. This type of reaction is quite common with teens that have addictions, but it is also common with adults that have addictions.

An addiction takes over a person's mind. It causes them to think differently, and it makes them believe they need drugs. This is not a problem you can fix by simply talking to your teenager. He or she will need professional help to beat the problem, and it is always better to address this problem sooner rather than later.

A substance abuse center typically offers inpatient and outpatient services for people struggling with addictions. When you take your teen to a place like this, they will begin by evaluating your child. This evaluation will help them understand what treatment options to use to help him or her break the addiction for good.

Set clear, healthy boundaries

As a parent, you should also take an active role in your child's recovery by being there for him or her and by setting boundaries. When your child completes the treatment program, there is always a chance he or she could relapse. You might be able to help the teen avoid this by setting up guidelines such as:

  • Having a curfew
  • Limiting the friends he or she can be with
  • Requiring the teen to attend a weekly support group
  • Making the teen have a job and attend school

Watching a teen child struggle with a drug addiction is not easy for parents. If you are worried about your child, follow these steps and contact a substance abuse treatment facility or counselling center with professionals like Dr Susan Goldsmith to find out other ways you can help.
