3 Depression Myths, Explained

Characterized by extreme sadness, hopelessness, and oftentimes, suicidal thoughts and tendencies, depression can be a serious disease to personally live through. In addition, watching a loved one suffer with depression can be challenging. Therefore, proper understanding is crucial for efficient management of this dangerous disease. By learning the truth behind a few common myths, you will have a better understanding of depression.

Depression Is Rare

Statistics vary according to which source you ask, but the World Health Organization estimates that 300 million people around the world have depression. Not only can it affect adults, but depression can also affect children and teenagers.

One common myth people believe is that depression is a very rare disease. In reality, the condition is so popular, you or a few people that you know may suffer from depressive episodes at some point.

Anti-Depressants Are Best and Only Treatment

If you are someone you love has depression, your first thought may be to get a prescription for anti-depressant medications. As a matter of fact, most primary care physicians will prescribe anti-depressants as the first-course of treatment if you are showing signs of depression.

While effective and beneficial in many cases, anti-depressants are not the best and only treatment option for everyone.

For example, there are many side effects associated with anti-depressants, such as extreme fatigue and an inability to perform normal everyday activities. Some patients will also feel more depressed for a period of time after first starting the anti-depressants.

Because of the different side effects, it is important to continue visiting your doctor even after you start taking the medications.

Also, many patients are more successful treating/managing their depression when anti-depressants are used in addition to therapy/counseling. Psychotherapy may involve talking with a licensed therapist who specializes in depression, which will help you determine the cause of the depression and how to cope with your emotions.

Not a Real Disease

Finally, some people believe depression is not a real disease. Unfortunately, this can lead to an ineffective diagnosis and non-effective treatment, which can be dangerous and life-threatening.

If you are someone you love is showing any signs of depression, make sure to schedule an appointment immediately. Also, if you or a loved one are having suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.

Depression is a very real, serious disease that requires immediate care. This guide will help you understand the truth behind a few common myths.
